Services Offered
► Premium ghostwriting (books and thought leadership pieces, specializing in tech and business topics).
► Mobile, software, and web development (all pmajor platforms).
► Brand story discovery (What IS your brand's story—for real? You might think you know it but it often takes an outsider with an eye for compelling narratives to truly discover it.)
► Brand story documentaries created by 75X award-winning LA-based directing team.
► FREE MOTIVATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL TALKS (you must only pay my travel costs, and I will use the video for my social media channels). I've delivered talks to 80,000+ people and spoken on national radio dozens of times. Some of the demographics I've spoken in front of include: Business professionals, law enforcement, teenagers, young adults, technology professionals, and others.
► Book marketing FOR REAL. Our system is used by MULTIPLE New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors.
📨 Contact me below or through any of my social media profiles.
► 20 years of programming experience, spanning many different technologies. I've worked with several massive brands that I can't mention.
► 40+ books written in non-fiction, fantasy, horror, and, yes, even romance! 😅🔥
► Articles in Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Moneyweb, Nordic Fintech Magazine, Forbes Councils (ghostwritten), NFT Now, and others